Aranda to say goodbye after decade as Bear
Working with a student, principal Robert Aranda gives her resources to help her with a situation she’s going through.
April 19, 2019
After ten years of service to the school, principal Robert Aranda has decided he will be moving on to new opportunities. Starting this July, he will be the director of student services at Westside Community Schools.
“It’s just an opportunity to grow in a different direction and a new challenge,” Aranda said. “It’ll be an equivalent to the TAC building instead of having an administrator’s job.”
The transition wasn’t quite planned. Aranda saw the job in the paper and decided to apply, thinking the description described him and that it would be good for him.
“It just happened,” Aranda said. “It was kind of by accident. I think sometimes that’s the way life is. These positions come, and you move forward.”
In his new position, instead of working with students and families like he has at Bryan, he will oversee six major areas for the district: attendance and discipline; enrollment, registration and records; reporting and compliance; school safety, security and emergency operations; student health and welfare; and transportation.
“I’ll be in an office with no kids, so for me that’s going to be the hardest transition because I just like being around you guys [students],” he said. “It makes me feel good.”
The news was confirmed in March, after an e-mail was sent to all staff members from Aranda informing them, he was leaving.
After the e-mail went out, word spread quickly and despite the word getting spread, feedback from the majority of students has been positive and lighthearted.
“People have congratulating me and wishing me the best,” Aranda said. “Every single kid who’s asked me has teased me about going; after that conversation they always say, ‘good luck Aranda, we’re
going to miss you,’ so it’s been good.”
Even after job offers, Aranda hadn’t looked into leaving the school prior to finding out about this job.
“I’ve never looked for any jobs,” Aranda said. “I’ve been offered positions and I’ve always said my heart was here at Bryan.”
However, as with everything, the time for change comes. To prepare for his new position, Aranda plans on doing his research and touching base with Alan Bone, the current director of student services at Westside Community Schools.
“I’m excited for a new challenge because you should always want to learn, and I think this will challenge me, and then at the same time you get sad because you’ve created relationships,” Aranda said.
With his time at the school dwindling, Aranda has been reflecting on the things that almost made him reconsider leaving. He values his connections with staff and students and the connections he’s made.
“I never thought I’d be here this long,” he said. “It’s been a good 10 years.”
The new principal has not been announced yet, but Aranda’s believes the decision will come before the end of the school year.